Express with your WHOLE SELF.

It is possible to approach your artistry and craft from a place of peace and joy AND make technical progress.

Cultivating equanimity is necessary for you to be your best self.

This does not mean ignoring challenges (your own challenges or those presented by all the outside forces that bear down on us).

It means embracing yourself and your process.

And trust me, YOU. WILL. SOAR to places you never dreamed possible.

Yes, you can be a fulfilled artist. No, you do not have to be tortured to be successful.

Integral Voice Works will help you find and implement the tools you need to make this a reality, regardless of whether you are a beginner or you are seasoned professional wanting to feel more ease with yourself and your art.

What is Integral Voice Works?

Integral Voice Works empowers singers to harness non-judgmental, mindfulness skills. This work enables vocal artists to authentically connect to and express themselves through their artistry - regardless of what the performing arts industry throws at you.

Integral Voice Works uses tools like secular mindfulness and contemplative education to help you align with yourself. With an individualized & systematic approach, we help you equip yourself with ways to grow in your own artistry, understand where to go for resources when you encounter technical challenges, and gather community to help you navigate industry challenges with a support system.

I do not know how to quantify the change that has taken place between 12 weeks ago and now in the way that I feel about myself, which is unbelievable. The way that I feel about myself now is so completely different. I have this justified independence, because of the community of support that we have had.
— Previous Participant

Integral Voice Works Offers

  • Workshops for independent artists, universities, & training programs

  • Individual Voice Lessons including vocal technique and repertoire preparation

  • Individual Voice Lessons centered on giving your tools to integrate mindfulness into your already baller technique (keep studying with whomever you like!)

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